As I tucked my son in for bed, he said "mommy I love spending time with you." In that moment my heart overflowed with joy with those few simple words.
With so many things pulling at us for our attention, it's easy to forget each moment with our children matters. As I laid there while he drifted off to sleep, I asked myself, "what is the one thing I want my son to remember when he's grown and leaves our home?" The answer, my LOVE! Communication is more than just talking, it's making a heart to heart connection investing in their lives daily. I know for me, connecting with my son can be as simple as enjoying a day at the park, sharing a bowl of ice cream, listening to him practice his reading, or just simply direct eye contact. Each example communicates love and attention which brings value to our parent child relationship. I believe our relationships with our children are a lot like our relationship with Jesus. As parents we want our children to know our love is unconditional and they are priceless. With Jesus it's the same. Our ultimate responsibility is to imitate the unconditional love of Jesus to our children.
Author Danny Silk in Loving your Kids on Purpose explains it best:
"As parents, our goal is really to introduce our children to a relationship with God by doing our best to relate to them like God does. More specifically, God has entrusted us with the task of recognizing the unique qualities in our children that connect to his calling on their lives and helping them to develop those things on purpose."
Next to God, I want to be the biggest influence in my son's life and the only way to do that is to know his heart. It's takes lots of time, attention, wisdom, and guidance from God but know I'm doing what's required as a parent,
- Proverbs 22:6, Raise a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
With so many distractions from day to day, I have to be intentional with my son just as God is intentional with us. Each moment and opportunity we have to pour into our children are what I like to call, "fruitful moments". These are moments I'm sowing into the heart of my son and will one day see the fruit that grows.
- Deuteronomy 33:14, Month by month your fruit will ripen in sunshine
- Psalms 92:14, They will be like trees that stay healthy and fruitful, even when they are old.
- Matthew 12:33, A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. You can tell what a tree is like by the fruit it produces.
The moments we have with our children are precious. Each minute, hour, day, and year is time you'll never get back. Once it's gone it's gone forever. I know we've all been there with a long list of to-do's, a long day at work, busy schedules, housework, laundry, and all we want is to sit down and unwind, but don't miss the opportunity to communicate with your children. The dishes, that phone call you need to make, the e-mail you need to check, it can all wait. Put the world on hold and make the heart of the matter your priority!
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